Not Deliverable What does this mean?
Everyone lives in a place they call home and sometimes that is a apartment, condo, garage, a cardboard box, or P.O.Box or ?
We count on you to supply us with your shipping address and Fedex and UPS have different systems to find you.
Failure to receive, miss the delivery of, or refusal to accept your shipment does not relieve you from the shipping/handling incurred by your order and may not relieve you from the cost of the products shipped. If a box is returned for reasons such as "Not Deliverable" in three attempts and so on, we can re-ship the item to you for an additional shipping charge.
We count on you to supply us with your shipping address and Fedex and UPS have different systems to find you.
Failure to receive, miss the delivery of, or refusal to accept your shipment does not relieve you from the shipping/handling incurred by your order and may not relieve you from the cost of the products shipped. If a box is returned for reasons such as "Not Deliverable" in three attempts and so on, we can re-ship the item to you for an additional shipping charge.
Updated on: 21/03/2022
Thank you!